I’m not really sure what I think of this.
Body-swap illusion tricks mind in new study
Any thoughts?
Nice writeup from CNN.com
Be on the look out for the Body Image Council’s own workshop on how to survive and enjoy the holiday season with eating and body image issues.
Thanks for posting this, feministing.com, and thanks for bringing to the world’s attention how RIDICULOUS the music industry can act.
[Palmer] refused to let them remove shots of her “fat” belly from the video for Leeds United (see above), and is therefore “uncommercial”. This comes from a metal label where, I have it on good authority, “you can count the number of women on the fingers of one hand and most of the people on the label are decidedly chunky hairy dudes”.
Amanda’s fans are quite rightly outraged by this shoddy, sexist behaviour and have begun a Rebellyon, posting pictures of their own bellies on fan forum Shadowbox and sending them to Roadrunner in protest.
Then why didnt they look for eating disorders in their studies?
A limitation of the analysis is that it did not include eating disorders, said Dr. Harry Brandt, director for the Center for Eating Disorders at Sheppard Pratt and head of the psychiatry department at St. Joseph Medical Center.
At least half of the patients he sees at the eating disorder center are young adults, he said. “I was very surprised that among all the diagnoses, they did not look at eating disorders, since those are among the most deadly and serious disorders of that age range,” he said.
While I appreciate a lot of the points made in this article, I’m glad it’s author takes the time to acknowledge the over simplification of her statements.
Next time you are in a store that sells magazines, look at the number of magazines devoted to women’s fashion and beauty. Women are being bombarded with these messages everywhere they look and they far outnumber the messages that men receive throughout the day to “look good, thin, and young.”
And to everyone with facebook out there, THIS IS AWESOME!
since going gender-neutral on Facebook I have very few diet ads.
first of all, happy thanksgiving to everyone!
hope everyone had a great break!
just to let everyone know, we will have a meeting this Wednesday (the 3rd) at 9:30 am in the Health Center Conference Room. See you there!
also this wednesday at 4pm in the Counseling Center Lobby will be our weekly Body Image and Eating Issues Support group!
THere will be a special program NEXT wednesday (the 10th) at 4pm (location; TBD) with a woman from Renfrew to discuss issues that may occur over the holidays for students struggling with eatting and body image issues. More information to be provided!
We’re in the Bi-Co TWICE in one issue!
First, where the Body Image Council is profiled : )
and Second, where there is a write up about Kathleen’s visit!
And while I’m plugging the Bi-Co, there are alot of really great events this month that the Haverford Women’s Center is sponsoring, including:
Events still to occur include the Orgasmic Birth film screening on Wednesday, November 12 in the Women’s Center at 8:00 p.m.; the domestic violence art show “A View Through My Window” from 4:00 p.m. November 18 through November 20 in Founders Great Hall; and SpeakOut, November 20 at 9:00 p.m. in the Founders Common Room.
take a look at this to test your knowledge on the spectrum of eating disorders
Sounds Like a really cool event. Maybe a potential BIC speaker?