Author: Paige Walker
News from the Blogging world…
Whoah, this is disgusting. i think this is probably the worse thing i’ve ever seen from “facebook flair”.
Awesome activism at the University of New Hampshire!
and finally…from the UK:
Girls as young as ten anxious about body image, disturbing survey shows
Here’s the latest from the Body Image Council!
The weekly Eating and Body Image Issues support group meeting will be this Wednesday, (10/29) from 4pm to 5:30pm, in the women’s center. If you have any questions, please email or
AlSO this week is the 2nd LOVE YOUR BODY workshop. It is a belly dancing workshop on Wednesday (10/29) starting at 7pm in Erdman living room.
Come learn about the art of Belly Dancing with the Body Image Council and Yalah, the student-run Belly Dancing Troupe.
You’ll learn about the history of belly dancing, the connection and art between your body and movement, and learn some dance moves!
So, take some time out of your night to feel good about yourself and learn how to belly dance!
Space is limited for the workshop, so please RSVP ASAP to or
Finally, the Body Image Council has set up a blog on the new Bryn Mawr Blog set up. Check it out – it’s a great resource!
As always, please send any questions, comments or concerns to about ANY of these events.
Question of the MONTH
What part of your body are you most proud of and why?
Babies and Body Image?
how UNCOOL is this sign, found in a Target in Minnesota?!?!?!
Dumb things Celebrities say
Ugh, it makes me angry that people like this, who say these things are given so much attention by main stream media. I dont remember what network her show it on, but perhaps we could find out and organize a campus letter writing campaign?
Question Beauty Ideals
LOVE YOUR BODY day is tomorrow.
More on the National Campaign, brought to you by NOW!
Fat Talk Free Week!
Read about Fat Talk Free Week HERE
the Tri Delta sorority and Academy for Eating Disorders fellow Carolyn Becker of Trinity University began co-developing the Reflections body image program, “the first peer-led, evidence-based eating disorders prevention program shown to truly work.” After 12,000 hours of research on Reflections at 12 major universities, they’re now launching the program nationwide with Fat Talk Free Week.
What is Fat Talk Free Week? It’s five days of nationwide events during which women are encouraged to quit talking smack about their own bodies and other women’s. (“I need to lose 10 pounds.” “She’s too fat to be wearing that.” “My thighs are so huge.” Et frickin’ cetera.) The cumulative effect of those little statements does a number on one’s self-image, and studies on the Reflections program have shown that knocking off the fat talk really can — forgive me — help ya help ya help ya.
Speaking Up & Self-Objectification
Article from the Huffington Post this past July examines the double standards for women (and in Hollywood). Katherine Heigl = finally a Hollywood Icon who speaks up about sexism!
Ms. Magazine explores issues of women’s self objectification, sparked from media images.
Awesome quote from article author Caroline Heldman:
What would disappear from our lives if we stopped seeing ourselves as objects? Painful high heels? Body hatred? Constant dieting? Liposuction? It’s hard to know. Perhaps the most striking outcome of self-objectification is the difficulty women have in imagining identities and sexualities truly our own. In solidarity, we can start on this path, however confusing and difficult it may be.
Way to ROCK, Katherine and Caroline! Thanks for speaking up against the double standards placed on women everywhere in this country and around the world.
Media, Word Choice, and Self Esteem
Thank goodness we’re taking a look at not only what we see, but what we hear from the media!
The Ad Council addresses biased language in new public service announcement campaigns.
Images are influential in shaping one’s body image, but words are also incredibly influential – whether we are talking about appearances, sexual orientation, class, race, religion, able-ism, etc.
Read about it
Here’s an article in the NY Times about the Ad Council’s campaign
See the public service announcements